Report from Schedule K-1, Form 1041. People who are beneficiaries of trust funds or an estate are common nowadays. If you are one, you may have to file a form to report your income for the current year. This form is called Form 1041, Income Tax Return for Estates and Trusts, Schedule K-1. The incomes that are included in this form will be reported on specific schedules and specific lines in your own income tax return. Here are the ways to report income from a Schedule K-1: 1. Review: You will receive a fiduciary of your estate or trust. Go over the Schedule K-1 of this fiduciary to check if the amount you received during the past year is the same as the amounts indicated. If there are any discrepancies, it may be necessary for you to file for a revised Schedule K-1 to resolve them. 2. Report: Once the Schedule K-1 is okay, report the share of the investment as shown on your Schedule K-1 on the individual tax return. Account for the report interest, as well as the dividends that are seen on line 8 and line 9 of Form 1040. Report the capital gains that are seen on line 5 and line 12 of Schedule D. 3. Complete the information: Be sure to include the rental income, annuity income, business or trade income, and royalties on Schedule E of Form 1040. Any amount of income for minimum tax purposes will be reflected on Form 6251, if required. 4. Deduct: Do not include any of your foreign taxes on Schedule A of Form 1040. You may use them as the foreign tax credit in the sections for credits of the return. This will also be more advantageous if you have a deduction for an estate tax. You should include this in the deduction...